CAA's Charitable Assistance Fund
Monies donated to our Charitable Assistance Fund are dispersed among our programs and used to help area food pantries when unexpected needs arise. You can give your donation to any Board member who will in turn deposit it for you and send you a written receipt and thanks.
You can place your cash donation in one of our donation boxes at any CAA event.
You can make a deposit directly into CAA's account for the Charitable Assistance Fund at Coopenae. You can use the following information. Don’t forget to have the teller put a description in that says, "for Charitable Assistance" and your name or names. Send a scan, photo etc. of your deposit or transfer to [email protected] so we make sure we tie you to the transactions.
Institution: COOPENAE RL
Name: Association Community Action Alliance/Asociación Alianza De Acción Comunitaria
Personae Juridica/Cedula#: 3-002-661454
IBAN Acct #: CR9808 1400011011937820 for the Charitable Assistance Fund
Description: Membership for ….. your name(s)
THANK YOU for your help and support!
You can place your cash donation in one of our donation boxes at any CAA event.
You can make a deposit directly into CAA's account for the Charitable Assistance Fund at Coopenae. You can use the following information. Don’t forget to have the teller put a description in that says, "for Charitable Assistance" and your name or names. Send a scan, photo etc. of your deposit or transfer to [email protected] so we make sure we tie you to the transactions.
Institution: COOPENAE RL
Name: Association Community Action Alliance/Asociación Alianza De Acción Comunitaria
Personae Juridica/Cedula#: 3-002-661454
IBAN Acct #: CR9808 1400011011937820 for the Charitable Assistance Fund
Description: Membership for ….. your name(s)
THANK YOU for your help and support!