When Jim and Peggy Walker arrived here from Dallas six months ago, they brought with them two very special companions, Jenna and Raffie. Three-year-old Jenna and eight-year-old Raffie are Leonbergers and certified therapy dogs. Peggy and Jim and the dogs are all very excited about the work they are doing here in San Ramón at Funcavida, a local non-profit that supports cancer patients/survivors in their journey through the disease and reentry into everyday living.
The temperament of the Leonberger, a giant dog breed that originated in Germany, is described as obedient, loyal, fearless, adaptable, loving with a gentle nature and serene patience. Consequently, they are perfectly suited to do the important and special work that therapy dogs do.
The temperament of the Leonberger, a giant dog breed that originated in Germany, is described as obedient, loyal, fearless, adaptable, loving with a gentle nature and serene patience. Consequently, they are perfectly suited to do the important and special work that therapy dogs do.
Research has shown that there are significant benefits when individuals with health challenges interact with pets. A decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, a decrease in the need for pain medication as well as an increase in endorphins, the body’s feel-good chemicals, are all potential outcomes for patients experiencing a pet therapy visit. Plus the laughter and smiles that are always part of a visit might actually be considered the best medicine of all!
Peggy and Jim and the dynamic duo of Jenna and Raffie are visiting Funcavida’s cancer survivors and staff on a regular weekly basis. Ably assisted by yoga instructor and volunteer Sara Alvarez, who provides translation services, Peggy shares information about the Leonberger breed, the health benefits of pet therapy, and her own successful journey as a 40-year cancer survivor. Based on their 25 years of providing pet therapy services with their other therapy dogs and their pet therapy cat, Peggy also shares some of the extraordinary patient healing experiences she and Jim have witnessed. Peggy always invites attendees to share pictures of their own pets and reminds them that loving and connecting with their own pets provides many of the same positive physical and emotional benefits that they can gain from a visit with Jenna and Raffie.
The information and education that Peggy and Jim share during their visits is invaluable to these survivors as they work to move forward in their journey toward wholeness. What is really the highlight of each visit, however, is the opportunity for survivors and staff to interact with Jenna and Raffie—up close and personal! Rolling around on the floor with these gentle giants, giving pats, hugs, and cuddles to them, or granting them treats in response to their sweet and clever tricks is undoubtedly the most fun and perhaps the most rewarding part of the visits for everyone involved. But it is especially rewarding for Jenna and Raffie, who actually love the work that they do!
What a wonderful gift this fabulous foursome is providing to our neighbors in need. Thank you all for sharing your talents and love!
The information and education that Peggy and Jim share during their visits is invaluable to these survivors as they work to move forward in their journey toward wholeness. What is really the highlight of each visit, however, is the opportunity for survivors and staff to interact with Jenna and Raffie—up close and personal! Rolling around on the floor with these gentle giants, giving pats, hugs, and cuddles to them, or granting them treats in response to their sweet and clever tricks is undoubtedly the most fun and perhaps the most rewarding part of the visits for everyone involved. But it is especially rewarding for Jenna and Raffie, who actually love the work that they do!
What a wonderful gift this fabulous foursome is providing to our neighbors in need. Thank you all for sharing your talents and love!